Savita Hiremath

Savita Hiremath has spent the past decade discussing the fascinating science and the gratifying art of composting with fellow enthusiasts and has helped scores of volunteers establish self-sustaining communities across India. She is the author of the book ‘Endlessly Green: Solid Waste Management for Everyone’ published by Simon & Schuster, India, and Yoda Press, New Delhi, in June 2021. It bagged the 'Honour Book' in the business category at the Green Literature Festival in December 2022.
Savita has effectively utilised her experience as a journalist in Deccan Herald, The Times of India and The New Indian Express, and her teaching skills as the HoD of a Bangalore-based journalism institute, to record and document over 20 methods/products of community and home composting solutions.. Her award-winning blog “Endlessly Green” has been the go-to destination for SWM volunteers, vendors, students, researchers, practitioners, etc., since 2012. It bagged the Social Media for Empowerment international award in 2018.
She is the founder of Endlessly Green: SWM Solutions which designs and manufactures home and large-scale composting solutions and specialises in organic gardening essentials. As the lead campaigner for SGCC, she loves to interact with the organic farming community and influences them to take the biomass (compost) from apartments back to where it rightfully belongs: the soil.