SWMRT celebrated World Photography Day on 19th August 2022 by conducting a photography contest around the broad themes of waste landscapes, portraits of people working on waste and composting at home. The contest was advertised on various SWMRT social media handles on August 19th and entries were accepted till September 1st.

The process of entering the contest was as easy as clicking on the Google form shared on social media, uploading the selected photo on the form and submitting it. Overall participation was a good number of 77 entries, after preliminary eliminations, the category on waste landscapes had 16 entries, the one on portraits of people working on waste got 18 entries, and last but not least, the category on composting at home got 24 entries.
To judge the contest there was a five-member jury. Heartfelt gratitude to the jury members for their valuable input to decide the winning entries.

The photos were judged on the following criteria:
Technical qualities, which included the resolution, depth of field, focus, negative space and perspective
Concept and composition, which included originality, aesthetics, composition, colour and harmony
Appropriateness of the photograph in context to the problem, solution or whether there was a deeper impact communicated
Each of these aspects was marked on a scale of 1-10, out of which an average was calculated and totalled. Entries with the top four scores were selected and declared as winners for each category.
Scroll to see the winning entries under each category:
The prizes were sponsored by Saahas Zero Waste, Hasiru Dala Innovations, Stonesoup and Pracheen Vidhan. Special thanks to the sponsors for contributing the prizes.

Looking at the great response this year, SWMRT aims to have this annually. Keep a watch out on our social media handles.
The blog post is by Nayantara Lakshman.